If you've followed my blog you know that earlier last year I did an interview with Mrs. Waters, a teacher in charge of the Early Act program at Sundance Elementary School.
Early Act is a program sponsored by The Rotary Foundation. It helps to encourage students to become involved in their local community.
The students involved with Early Act at Sundance help raise money for different charities, host dinners for the local Rotary club, hold car washes, dance, and dinners to raise money for their different programs, and also take the time to organize the Box Tops and Campbell's Soup Labels that are brought in by other students to help raise money for the school. At the end of the year they host a special dinner for their parents.(not a field trip to an amusement park) What a great way to teach children to become involved in the community! They learn that helping others has its own rewards, not obvious ones like prizes or toys, but
the sense of pride in ones work, and the satisfaction of helping someone else. How even the smallest gesture can make a difference.
Does your local elementary have an Early Act program? Why not stop in a find out?
Never heard of it, but it sounds like a great group to be a part of. Great A-Z post!
Thank you!