Sunday, February 6, 2011


Looking for a way to help out your school and the environment? I just found out about this one from one of my readers, Dustin Bell. (Thanks again!)

 Sungevity , a home solar installer, has set up  a program that helps schools raise money by getting the surrounding communities to go solar.   For every customer that the school refers the school can receive up to $1000.  This program  is currently available in Colorado, Arizona, and most parts of California, but they say on their FAQ page that they are looking to expand to new states in 2011.  This looks like a great program!  Not only does it help the school it also benefits the environment, and helps save the home owner who has the solar panel systems installed money in electric bills. (Something everyone likes) The program can be run at anytime in the school year, as often as the school wants to run it.  Since Sungevity solar products are for homeowners it  helps to involve the whole community not just parents of children in the school.     They also have an option where the school would receive $500 and the homeowner would receive $500. (if helping out the local school and the environment, aren't enough)
If you know of a school or a group that might want to raise money through, go to their website to enroll.  They will provide the school with all the outreach materials and information they need. Plus, not only to the have their Internet site to answer questions, they also have a 1-800 number that the school can provide to the community.  In my personal opinion, the more ways a program has for people to get their questions answered is always a good thing.  
 They  have a blog were you can find out more information on this program, and others that they are involved in, or click here to go to their FAQ page.

Know of programs or fundraisers that are helping schools and wanna get the word out? Email me at and let me know!

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