Sunday, January 29, 2012

Blogging From A to Z Challenge

So on top of a few other things I have decided to do this year, I have also decided to participate in the  Blogging from A To Z Challenge April 2012.  It is being hosted by a whole bunch of bloggers:

Tossing It Out (Arlee Bird)

Amlokiblogs (Damyanti Biswas)

Alex J. Cavanaugh (Alex J. Cavanaugh)

Life is Good (Tina Downey)

Cruising Altitude 2.0 (DL Hammons)

Retro-Zombie (Jeremy Hawkins)

The Warrior Muse (Shannon Lawrence)

The QQQE (Matthew MacNish)

Author Elizabeth Mueller(Elizabeth Mueller)

Pearson Report (Jenny Pearson)

No Thought 2 Small (Konstanz Silverbow)

Breakthrough Blogs (Stephen Tremp)

Coming Down The Mountain(Karen Jones Gowen)

But the main place to go to for information and such is:

The Blogging From A to Z Challenge April 2012 Home Page

The challenge itself seems like a lot of fun.  Basically if you take out all the Sundays in April you have 26 days.  Now there are 26 letters in the alphabet...soooo....each day is theme based on a letter in the alphabet.  Starting with A and working through the rest of the letters all the way to Z. (This is just a REALLY shortened version HERE is were you will find all the important information, including when you can sign up, what to do if April starts on a Sunday etc.) 

Anyway, I think it will be loads of fun and I'm already coming up with ideas.  Let me know if you plan to participate too, I would love to see what everyone else comes up with!