Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Easy New Way to Earn Boxtops!

Want an easy way to earn boxtops for your school without having to even leave your house???
Of course you do, since it is getting colder outside and it's sooo much nicer to stay inside where it is nice and toasty!

First go to Box Tops 4 Education and sign up. (if you haven't already!)  Then after you log in/sign up, click here to go to the Click & Earn page. Watch videos, answer questions.  The four choices they have offered so far all were quick and easy. Plus the one actually gave me some good ideas for my Christmas cookies. I did all for promotions in under an hour and earned Box Tops for my school!

Simple and easy and I didn't even have to leave the house! So what are you waiting for? Go check it out!